“I managed to bring my mother to Nice, not my grandparents”

Olga Bottollier Golovakina is Ukrainian and lives in Nice. She has just managed to bring her family back to the Alpes-Maritimes. His grandparents are stranded in Ukraine, in their village, a village which is bombed, occupied by the Russian army “They are under threat. In their village there are Russian tanks and Russian soldiers who do not allow people to come out. Civilians risk dying. They are hidden in their cellar, without electricity. I’m very worried.”

Very difficult to convince his mother to leave the country

“My mother was with my brother and it was very difficult to convince them to come. They didn’t want to leave the country because it’s very difficult to leave your house, to get on the roads which are dangerous, to take the train from the stations. Finally I managed to convince them and they drove away. The Russians are bombing the homes of civilians.”

France and Europe must “stop all commercial transactions with Putin”

“The sanctions do not go far enough. The United States has just decreed an embargo. The European sanctions are not sufficient. Russia must not be able to continue financing the war.”

source site-38