“I love you”, Bradd Pitt grants an interview to his ex Gwyneth Paltrow and makes him a very beautiful declaration which surprises!

If the tensions are still palpable between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the 58-year-old actor keeps very good relations with most of his ex-girlfriends. Very close to Jennifer Aniston, whom he dated between the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, the latter also became friends with another of his former conquests, well known in Hollywood: Gwyneth Paltrow.

“I finally found the Brad I was meant to marry”

Together from 1994 to 1997, the two former lovers have recently exchanged! Indeed, as part of an interview on “Goop”, Gwyneth Paltrow’s site, the Oscar-winning actor agreed to answer a few questions about his new clothing line “God’s True Cashmere”.

An interview during which the two actors also spoke of the good old days… “Finally found the Brad I was meant to marry. It just took me 20 years”even joked the mother of the family, visibly delighted to be able to exchange with her ex.

“And it’s great to have you as a friend now”, immediately retorted Brad Pitt. And to add: “And I love you”. A small declaration of love to which Gwyneth replied: ” I love you so much “assured the 49-year-old actress… Who said it was impossible to remain friends with your ex?

see also: Brad Pitt: Discover the physical transformation of Brad Pitt over the years in video!

Lisa Ziane

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