“I lost 13 kilos in 3 weeks”, this farmer from “Love is in the meadow” transformed after being dumped by his wife!

Monday, January 30, 2023, M6 will broadcast the first portraits of the 14 farmers (11 men and 3 women aged 26 to 60, editor’s note) of the new season of Love is in the meadow. Millions of viewers will meet Baptiste, 30, lavender farmer, grain farmer and sheep breeder in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.

The young man is ready to find love after facing terrible disappointment. “Suddenly, I found myself without her. 18 months after the birth of our daughter, she said to me: ‘You are a perfect husband, a wonderful father, but I think I will leave’“, he explained to Karine Le Marchand. “For me, it was inconceivable. When you meet someone, get married, have a child, it’s for life!”

The couple went to therapy… which didn’t prevent the breakup. “It did not succeed, but we will at least have settled things. Basically, the thing I was blamed for was working too much, not spending enough time at home. I admit that I was spending too much time at work“, he acknowledged.

A break that left traces

The pill was hard to swallow. Very hard ! “In three weeks, I lost 13 kilos!” It is finally thanks to his family and his friends, that he was able to climb the slope. Today, Baptiste is looking for a woman between 28 and 35 years old, not “chichi pompoms”, who shares its values ​​and to integrate perfectly into its daily life. The young dad specified that he would be ready to remarry however, he does not wish to meet women who already have children. He does not conceive of taking a child away from his father.

See also: “No matter what, he’s crazy!” : Karine Le Marchand no longer knows where to go after this sexual allusion


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