Father Denis (an assumed name) has recently held a very special position in Yonne: exorcist priest of the diocese of Sens-Auxerre. His predecessor, a monk from Pierre-qui-Vire, took over two years ago. For many, exorcism looks like this:
The film, Father Denis has already seen: “The Exorcist? Yes, of course. Ah bah that’s impressive! But I didn’t have a nightmare (laughs).” The exorcist priest of the diocese of Sens-Auxerre, 55, soft voice and sincere benevolence, insists: his function is intended to be far from clichés that one could easily assimilate. He says it himself, he is “neither medium nor sorcerer’s apprentice”. Its principles? “It takes listening, discernment, discretion and knowing how to make a judgment. These are the four key words to make a good exorcist. You must have enough perspective to listen to people in difficulty and who wear a pain.”
An exorcist priest who teams up with doctors
To contact the icaunais priest, call the diocese switchboard at As soon as you feel these symptoms: “Disorders of all kinds, repetitions of tests. There are sometimes people who consider themselves victims of a bad fate, who think that everything is going badly for them and that there is no way out. . We all have a part of evil in us. “ The Auxerre exorcist priest is not alone: he works as a team, with two doctors, to sort out those who need medical care, and those who above all need spiritual listening.
“We quickly come to realize the balance of the person who contacts us, continues Father Denis, who also takes care of the elderly priests of the diocese. When some are really crushed by internal sufferings, it is important that the priest is there to accompany them and to pray with them. The role of an exorcist is not only to cast out demons. If you come to me, I’ll take the time to listen to you, let you talk. I will then try to discern the situation to put it back to its true value, before taking a time of prayer, as the case may be. “
When there is an order directly given to the demon, we do not do things anyhow! – Father Denis, exorcist priest of the Diocese of Sens-Auxerre
Father Denis sees about thirty people a year but never had to pronounce the famous formula “Vade retro Satanas” : “It is used in the great exorcism, which I have never practiced. And which I would not practice without the agreement of the bishop. Because these are very rare cases. When there is an order directly given to the demon , we don’t just do things anyhow! “ For tormented souls, the only solution: blessing and prayers for protection, deliverance and healing that the parish priest finds in a little blue book that he always has at hand. “You have to say good things to a person who lacks hope, it’s important, underlines the priest exorcist. Our Father’s prayer is the most beautiful way to put one’s interlocutor back in a climate of trust in God and in herself. “
– Nicolas fillon
The other book, bright red, titled in Latin “De exorcismis et supplicationius quibusdam”, in cases of possession, has therefore not yet been used, as has the crucifix. But the man of the Church says he met “people in a situation of extreme violence, who one might think they are inhabited by evil. I had to take care of a person who had major psychological problems and there, it was necessary to involve the world But sometimes we are impressed by this violence in some people. So when the people who come to see me leave my office a little more in peace, with courage and hope, I tell myself that this is not time wasted . “
Aware of the fantasy that surrounds his function even if he reveals that he has never been the victim of a hoax, the clergyman recalls that it is necessary “to remain cautious, oneself, with the adequate wisdom to take a step back from the emotional and the fantastic“. The end of his mission? It is the bishop who will decide. “It can last two, five, ten years, book Father Denis, who follows a training each year – the next one will take place in January, in Lyon. There is a time for everything. In general, we take stock regularly to see if we still want to accomplish this mission, if we are still in the nails, so to speak. ”
The difference between a psychologist and an exorcist priest? The spiritual side in addition
Does he feel special? “No, I don’t think so. I try to be a priest after the heart of God, who walks with people in difficulty to listen to them, to bring them benevolence and peace.” But then, what is the difference between being a psychologist and a priest exorcist? “There is a spiritual contribution, Father Denis bluntly answers. The psychologist will act differently with all his skills. Our practices will sometimes intersect, but the priest exorcist will also take the time to pray with the person, and to reveal to him the compassion and the goodness of God. “
The Icaunais also wants to be a witness of the evolution of society through the sufferings of the people he meets. “We live in a difficult, individualistic world. There are people who are alone, who carry burdens alone, who suffer a lot of loneliness and are afraid to confide. We can see, in our society, this evil that lurks around. about us, this violence. Sometimes we would quickly lose our Latin. “