“I like politics, to convey strong ideas driven by my faith”

Religious belief is on the decline among the French, except among young people, according to an Ifop poll for the Association of Information Journalists on Religions (Ajir), published Thursday, September 23. In detail, the most believers are found among those over 65 (58%), and then among those aged 18-34 (48%).

Pierre is 23 years old and lives in Tours. A business school student, he was baptized three weeks after his birth. For him, believing in God allows him to hope, to have confidence in the future and to get involved in particular through associations.

God is a compass in my life, explains Pierre. Faith brings me hope when everything can seem dead with all the events that can happen, the attacks, the ecological catastrophes. VSroire in the beyond gives this confidence in the future and allows us to say that we can always be in search of a better world“.

This world, Pierre finds “that it evolves quickly and that it is therefore complex to understand. I don’t want to fall into the trap that looks like it was better before. I am very happy to be born in the 21st century “, he confides.

“The world has flaws but it always has but they’re no bigger than before. I would just say they’re different.”

Religion is also a way to get involved. “I did scouting, marauding the most disadvantaged. J‘try as best I can to get involved in various associations to try to change things, to put my dough in society.“Pierre is interested”a lot“to the policy, which corresponds to “this desire, not necessarily to evangelize through politics, but to to convey strong ideas, animated by my faith. Values ​​of charity, mutual aid, listening, freedom. This does not prevent me from being interested in other subjects where I do not feel animated by my faith like when I watch a debate on the economy.

The 23-year-old Catholic says he has “difficulty” to identify with a political party: “I have differences and similarities with the entire political class. Naturally, I am more inclined towards speeches more on the right, conservative, but I happen to be in full agreement with people on the extreme left on certain subjects.

Even if Pierre finds good and bad in each party, he remains attached to the vote. “If we waited until we had someone who would fully agree with us to vote, we would never vote“. As for 2022, Pierre is waiting”to see the situation clear up. It is important to take the time to analyze the situation and not to react to the various polls that mean everything and nothing.

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