“I know that there are political questions that will arise more and more”

We are in Saint-Vincent-du-Lorouër, a small village located between Le Mans and Tours. Lucien, 22, welcomes us to the family bakery where he works as an apprentice with his father and brother. “Here, it’s very very calm, it doesn’t move much but it’s cool: there is the countryside“.

“Before here, we had a grocery store. It closed and now you have to go to supermarkets.

Lucian, 22 years old

at franceinfo

When we talk about politics, Lucien admits that, until now, he had never really been interested in it. “The municipal, departmental elections… I am absolutely not interested in them“, says Lucian.

On the other hand, he has already voted in the 2017 presidential election but without much enthusiasm. “I voted not to elect someone. It’s sad but it’s a bit my fault too because I’m not interested in it and I don’t take the time to know who wants to do what etc.

“The presidential campaign, I follow it from afar. I don’t have the impression that it affects me directly.”

Lucian, 22 years old

at franceinfo

For 2022, things could change. “We are going to take over the business when dad retires and I know that there are political questions that will arise more and more.

If Lucien had to define himself politically, he would say that he is an ecologist. “On is in an organic bakery, we really pay attention to the products we use and we pay attention to everything we can do in relation to the environment“.

As for the future, Lucien believes that the pandemic prevents him from projecting himself. “It is complicated“, he repeats. “We are all behind masks. There is a vision of life that is different.

One certainty: Lucien wants to become a baker like his father. “It’s a pride to know that we learned that from our dad and that it will still be a generation behind“.

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