“I inflicted that on him, I know he is angry with me” … Guy Carlier, father of the famous youtubeur Carlito, confesses everything in an interview without concessions!

Comedian Guy Carlier has lost no less than 150 kilos. A radical change has taken place in the life of this man who suffered a lot from all his extra pounds. His bulimia touched his family a lot, especially his son, Raphaël. The latter is well known on social networks for his laughter and his jokes alongside Mcfly. In the columns of the Parisian, the 72-year-old man explains that his child knew him at the “worst time of (his) bulimia.” Carlito’s dad admits that it hasn’t always been easy with his boy. “When it’s like that, you no longer have a family life, your wife catches you stealing filthy stuff from the fridge at night. I inflicted that on Raphy, I know he’s mad at me. “

Guy Carlier’s illness weighed heavily on his relationship with his son Raphaël, which the columnist deplores today in the Parisian media. “When someone has the problems they had, it was not easy, neither for him, nor for me! Thanks to him, I realized very early on that there were other things besides just working in an office. I said to myself ‘But he still does radio and songs’, when no one teaches you that at school! Carlito said of his father’s illness. In the book Papa 2.0 written by McFly’s sidekick, the Youtubeur writes that “it’s difficult to live with someone who destroys himself. Guy Carlier would like to be able to “talk” about it with Carlito.

Especially since father and son did not have both unpleasant moments. They had a great time together. “I took him to football, to drums lessons, it was I who introduced him to music. We drove Route 66 in the United States… And he never talks about all that ”, Guy Carlier says sadly. The emotion is at its height … Maybe one day Carlito will realize all the love that Joséphine Dard’s ex-husband has for him …


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