The Minister Delegate in charge of Health finds it “necessary” to move to a 30-euro consultation with general practitioners.
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“I hope it comes to fruition as quickly as possible”, declared on franceinfo Friday February 16 Frédéric Valletoux, Minister Delegate for Health, regarding the revaluation of the price of consultations with general practitioners. Health Insurance opened the way, Thursday February 8, for an increase to 30 euros compared to 26.50 euros currently. “It’s necessary”, “we need a health system that trusts its professionals”underlines the minister.
“Discussions are ongoing”recalls Frédéric Valletoux. “Behind the 30 euros, it’s not just that, there are also complex consultations, how we revalue procedures in specialties where we suffer a lot today”as “pediatrics”, “mental health” And “psychiatry”specifies the minister who does not “do not personally participate in discussions”.