“I have trouble discerning political parties and programs”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Tuesday January 4, meeting with Auranne, 21, law student in Paris.

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Head to the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, a campus with 6,000 housing units, 12,000 students and researchers. I ran into Auranne, 21, in law at the Sorbonne. She says that the more time goes by, the more she thinks of being an activist, of getting involved in an association and of doing “a profession that makes sense“, she said. Behind it all, there is an impression, that of feeling”useless“and a desire: to change everything.

Once I am stable, I think I will invest myself fully in activism. I wish I could make everyone happy. I am already part of the LGBT association at my college.

On the political side, “it is not very easy. I have trouble discerning political parties and programs“, declares the young student who has already voted in the European and municipal elections.

“For the municipal elections, I did a test on the Internet which told us who to vote for and then I checked if it corresponded approximately.

Auranne, 21 years old

to franceinfo

Regarding the presidential election of 2022, Auranne does not yet know who to vote for. “I found a girl on TikTok who does summaries for each party and each candidate. Before the election, I’m going to watch this to try and get an idea.

Auranne is aware that her choice will be partly influenced by this content creator on TikTok, but she assures that she knows how to keep things right. “I will still crossbreed with other information that I will find. I’m not just going to rely on her.

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