“I have to stop, otherwise it will kill me”: Alexandre (Love is in the meadow) lucid about his fragile health…

Alexander and Matthew met in front of the cameras of M6 in Love is in the meadow 2021. Since then, they have never left each other. The farmer and his suitor have since moved up a gear. They celebrated their marriage in the presence of Karine Le Marchand and even plan to expand the family! This dream of becoming dads, they are not about to give it up. And this, even if their health deteriorates over time. Interviewed by Jordan de Luxe on his show At Jordan’s for Entertainment TVthe couple surrenders.

After Mathieu’s confidences about his illness, it’s Alexandre’s turn to talk about his condition. The former rider suffers from lung problems due to his tobacco use. “When I was a child, I was already asthmatic. But it stopped. And taking up the cigarette again, it started again“, he confides. According to him, this addiction to tobacco has a very specific cause. He assures him, it is because he suffers from “lost twin syndrome“Let him console himself with cigarettes.

For his part, her husband Mathieu is annoyed: “You kind of always find excuses to postpone the moment.” It is with real sincerity that Alexandre explains that he “love cigarettes so much“, even if he “don’t have to say it“. However, he remains lucid: “I know I’m going to have to stop because otherwise, that’s what’s going to kill me and I know it…” Especially since smoking has already brought him health concerns. In the past, Alexandre was hospitalized while suffering from acute respiratory failure. “He had to sign a discharge at the hospital to be released, because the doctors did not want to release him, specifies Mathieu, worried for his other half.

Far from being the heaviest known smoker, Alexandre admits to consuming around a pack a day. A quantity of tobacco that is enough to harm him, he who has a small size. Moreover, he says he is complexed by his “thinness“.”I had an operation when I was born, they made a knot in my stomach, like a sleeve. And since then I have never weighed more than 53 kilos“, he explains. Something to make Mathieu jealous, who estimates that he will gain a kilo at the slightest dietary difference!

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