A few hours after the adoption of the criticized text of the immigration bill by the National Assembly, the Prime Minister was the guest of France Inter.
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“I have the feeling of duty accomplished“, declared Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne this Wednesday on France Inter, the day after the adoption of the immigration law by Parliament. “We wanted to vote on a text on useful, effective measures, expected by our fellow citizens, with two objectives: to remove more quickly, more effectively those who do not have the right to be in France and to better integrate those we choose to to welcome“, added the head of government.
While all the deputies of the Republicans (LR) and those of the National Rally (RN) voted for this bill, Elisabeth Borne refuses to talk about a toughened text in the joint joint committee (CMP). “It is a text which was voted on in the Senate, which was toughened in the Senate, and which, in its version resulting from the Senate, included measures which we did not want.”
No crisis within the presidential majority, according to Borne
“I do not judge“the deputies of the majority”who did not vote for this text“, declared Elisabeth Borne on France Inter this Wednesday. The day before, almost a quarter of Macronist deputies refused to vote for the immigration bill, rewritten by the joint committee (CMP) and finally adopted by Parliament on Tuesday evening.
“I spent hours with our majority“, says the Prime Minister. “Nearly 80% of our deputies voted for this text and I want to thank those who voted for it. It is thanks to them that we can have a text adopted without the votes of the National Rally. It is thanks to them that we did not fall into the trap set by the National Rally. Then, I do not judge those who did not vote for this text“.
The Prime Minister says she is aware of what has been asked of the majority deputies since the National Assembly voted on a motion to reject the immigration bill on Monday December 11. “In a few days, we had to start from a Senate text that did not suit us and profoundly modify it.“, assures Elisabeth Borne.
“We are dealing with extremely sensitive subjects on which a certain number of deputies needed to take time which we did not have”
Elisabeth Borne, Prime Ministerat France Inter
To these parliamentarians, the Prime Minister told them “that we are obviously going to talk to each other and above all to fight togethers”.
The day after this vote which fractured the benches of the National Assembly occupied by the majority deputies, the head of government nevertheless affirms “that there is no crisis in the majority. We wish to move forward and continue to advance on the course set by the President of the Republic and continue to provide answers to our country and to the French.“.