“I have no other ambition than to serve the country,” assures former President François Hollande

The former president assures that he “never” would have thought of embarking on a new legislative initiative. But he believes he has a “responsibility” to “block the far right”.

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franceinfo – with France Bleu Limousin

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

François Hollande, September 7, 2022. (CHRISTOPHE ABRAMOWITZ / RADIO FRANCE)

“I have no other ambition than to serve the country, but above all to ensure that our country resembles the idea we have of it”, assures the former President of the Republic François Hollande, candidate for the legislative elections in Corrèze to block the extreme right. He was the guest of France Bleu Limousin on Monday June 17.

The socialist candidate returned to his surprise announcement of candidacy. “I myself am, in a way, the first to be surprisedhe explains. I never thought with the European elections coming up and the day after the European elections, I would find myself in this form of obligation to block the far right and launch myself into a new legislative team.” He believes he is “faced with a responsibility which was mine a long time ago, but which is now that of a citizen who was certainly a former president and who wants to block the extreme right and offer a solution to our country”.

The former president claims to have no other ambition: “I’m not preparing anything. I didn’t have anything in mind with this in mind until a few days ago”. He considers it his “duty, here, in Corrèze, because it is my base, my territory, my legitimacy to ensure that I can once again represent not only the constituency, but Corrèze at the highest level. And then to put my person in the service of France because there will undoubtedly be decisions to be taken in the coming weeks.

According to him, “it is very important that there are personalities who can have a sense of the general interest. That’s my approach. I am not at all looking for any responsibilities. I have no other ambition than that of serving the country, but above all to ensure that our country resembles the idea we have of it”.

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