“I have never received any reports”, assures Aurélien Pradié


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The deputy and secretary general of the Republicans, Aurélien Pradié, defends himself on franceinfo for having done nothing: “I discovered these cases” of rape, attempted rape and sexual assault and “now it is up to him to answer to justice”.

“I never received any reports” about Damien Abad, assures the deputy LR Aurélien Pradié on franceinfo Wednesday June 6 while the Minister of Solidarities, defector of LR finally dismissed from the government of Elisabeth Borne, is targeted by an investigation for “attempted rape”.

“I learned that Damien Abad had made inappropriate comments with one of the collaborators of our political group”he continued. “This woman was able to defend herself against the words that were spoken. I am talking about words, not more serious acts like those of which he is accused today” and “She had asked that we not say anything, to protect her”he assured.

“I asked Damien Abad for explanations face to face about the words he had spoken. He first told me that he had not spoken them and then he told me that he s was excused. I never heard of any other business”

Aurelien Pradie

at franceinfo

Damien Abad, barely a month and a half after his appointment, had to give up his duties, accused of rape, attempted rape and sexual assault. Aurélien Pradié denies having done anything: “The fight for the protection of women has been my fight for years. I discovered these cases of which he is accused, now it is up to him to answer to justice”.

The former minister, for his part, denounces “ignoble calumnies”, as well as a “a formidable political weapon in the hands of malevolent spirits” and affirms that he will defend himself “relentlessly until justice confirms (his) innocence.”

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