“I have my responsibility too”: Samuel Le Bihan decisive in the meeting of his daughter and his new companion

All the lights of happiness are green for Samuel Le Bihan. This February 1, France 3 is broadcasting new episodes of season 7 ofAlex Hugo, a series in which he plays the leading role. And the heart of the 56-year-old comedian is once again filled with love. Thanks to his daughter Angia, of course, but also to the arrival of Stefania Cristian in his life. If this pretty romance follows its course, it is because Samuel Le Bihan found the right words to explain the situation to his 10-year-old child: “I explained to him, I spoke to him. I prepared her for this, told her it was a good thing and that we would live it together. That it would create happy moments and that we would have a good laugh, he said at the microphone of the podcast of Entertainment TV, Parents First. She’s a child, you have to open up perspectives for her, you have to give her concrete examples so that she can see that it’s going to be great. In any case, it happened very naturally. It’s very nice, it works“.

As a perfect companion, Samuel Le Bihan also accompanied Stefania Cristian so that she tames Angia as best as possible: “I knew he was a good person and he just had to be helped. I also have my responsibility to ensure that the link is made in the right direction. You have to accompany, you have to help because everyone is a little intimidated. So it’s up to me to create the opportunities so that it’s happy for everyone. It was fun, we went out, we had fun. It’s up to me to help with that, don’t let them both get by“.

Between the two women in his life, the agreement is in good shape. Samuel Le Bihan could not have dreamed of a better start this year: “It was very important, it was the essential question, he continued in parents first. I couldn’t let anyone into my life if my daughter didn’t belong. It is decisive. […] My daughter loves it and she loves my daughter.“This is therefore another victory that Samuel Le Bihan can be proud of, he who, a few days ago, learned that Angia, suffering from autistic disorders, could enter college like all the other students.

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