“I have decided to increase by 20% the number of seniors we put to work”, promises Alexandre Viros, President France of Adecco Group

The employment of seniors is one of the challenges of the pension reform with the decline in the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years.

“It’s a record, I think it should be underlined”, estimated Wednesday, May 17 on franceinfo Alexandre Viros, president France of Adecco Group, after the publication of INSEE figures on thee unemployment rate according to the standards of the International Labor Office (ILO). It remained stable in the first quarter of 2023, at 7.1% of the active population in France (excluding Mayotte).

But according to Alexandre Viros, “vsis also a paradox, because there is a form of slowdown in the economy”. He finds that in some areas,the unemployment rate is extremely low and there is still demand” and Conversely, “there are still areas where it remains very high. Hence this paradox the unemployment rate which stabilized, but fell very sharply”. The French president of Adecco Group is optimistic. According to him, we are in a “positive employment dynamics” grace “to the professions of tomorrow that we must begin to promote”.

Even if the unemployment rate is at its lowest level since 1982, he considers that France is not in a situation of full employment. For this, it would be necessary “the demands are covered by the offers, and vice versa”.

Interim, “solution” for the employment of seniors

Alexandre Viros makes this observation: “France is the bad student of Europe, even if it is better than before, on the seniors”. The French President of Adecco Group “pthink it’s cultural” but it points above all to the political choices consisting “To treat the employment of seniors as the exit of seniors from employment”. He is convinced that “Temporary work is a solution and, to put it honestly, it was not seen that way”.

He therefore announces on franceinfo France Adecco Group “would increase the number of seniors we put to work by 20%”, specifying the interim giant “puts 500,000 people to work each year and is the leading private employer in France”.

Watch the full interview:

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