“I have decided on a special military operation”, announces Vladimir Putin

Sitting behind a dark wooden desk, the head of the Kremlin called on the Ukrainian military “to lay down their arms”.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday, February 24, a military operation in Ukraine to defend, according to him, the separatists in the east of the country. “I made the decision for a special military operation”declared at dawn the Russian autocrat in a surprise speech on television, without specifying whether this intervention would be limited to eastern Ukraine or whether it would be broader.

War in Ukraine: "I made the decision for a special military operation"announces Vladimir Putin

“We will strive to achieve demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine”justified the head of the Kremlin sitting at a dark wooden desk. “We do not have in our plans an occupation of Ukrainian territories, we do not intend to impose anything by force on anyone”assured Vladimir Putin, calling the Ukrainian military “to lay down arms”.

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