Olivier Véran, government spokesperson and former doctor was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” this Tuesday.
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“I have a real disagreement with Gérald Darmanin” on the subject of State Medical Aid (AME), government spokesperson and former doctor Olivier Véran confided on Tuesday October 10 on franceinfo. “I assume it in the same way that he assumes it”he insists.
>> Hamas attack on Israel: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is full of hatred”, believes Olivier Véran
Sunday October 8, in Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France, the Minister of the Interior said “favorable”but “on a personal basis”, to the proposal of the Republicans (LR) to abolish the AME for “transform it into AMU, emergency medical aid”. The question of AME appears in the text on immigration, studied in the Senate from November.
“I find that the current system is balanced”
“There is no debate within the government”would like to clarify Olivier Véran who says he speaks “personally”. The Prime Minister, for her part, announced an evaluation mission on the AME.
“It was reformed two years ago and I find that the current system is balanced”justifies the government spokesperson. “I was a doctor, people without a residence permit, we treat them”. “If we tell people that they are not reimbursed when it is not urgent, I greatly fear that they will no longer come for consultation”worries the minister.
The government spokesperson repeats his “support” to the AME which does not “constitute a call for relief for foreigners in an irregular situation”.
“Many evaluation missions have shown the interest of the AMEhe insists. It is not involved in illegal immigration and it is a way of paying doctors and hospitals.”