Last month, Bilal Hassani opened his heart to another painful confession. In seven to eight, he had confided in the rape of which he was the victim three years ago. “It’s something that’s been haunting me since 2019“said the one who confided in his coming out last year, revealing to have been”under the influence of a substance that he didn’t have “wanted to take“. Bilal Hassani is careful with all the statements he makes, the victim of sometimes hateful messages.
Faced with these pains, Bilal Hassani can count on the unfailing support of his mother, but also on … a television program. “Dance with the stars allowed me to get back on my feet, to find a rigor and a daily discipline that was not going to get me out of a routine. From that moment, I said to myself: ‘OK, this has been your dream since you were very young, so we are going to try to reconnect with the Bilal who was five years old’declares the one who went from candidate to juror of the show. Perhaps he also has Cassem Jebrouni by his side, who was until the last news his ex-companion, but with whom he is shown close during Paris Fashion Week.