“I had the gun in my pocket”: Patrick Sébastien on the verge of taking action, revelations

Patrick Sébastien is one of those to whom life has not always given gifts. Beneath his air of a happy man who never leaves a smile, hides a dented man. The first and not least concerns his eldest son Sébastien. In 1990, the 19-year-old young man, on the verge of becoming a father, was killed in a motorcycle accident. He will not be the only victim of this tragedy. The death of his son, Patrick Sébastien never recovered from it: “On the day of his death, I died too. This event justified all my excesses thereafter” he revealed in the pages of The Midi Dispatch this October 23.

Losing a child is not in the order of things. Patrick Sébastien suffered a lot from it and even thought of the worst: “The first Christmas Eve after his death, I went to his grave. I had the gun in my pocket, I still have it by the way.” The host of the Biggest cabaret in the world ultimately did not take action. It must be said that other people counted on him, like his wife at the time, Fanfan, mother of his second son Benjamin.

If he found something to climb the slope after such an ordeal, it is not the only time that Patrick Sébastien has thought of the worst. This year again, professional and personal circumstances have led him to have dark thoughts: “This year, on Valentine’s Day, it was raining. At 68, I find myself alone (he separated from his wife Nana), sick, I got fired. I have so many happy years behind me that I doubt. When you’ve had a foie gras-champagne meal, you don’t want to end up with a rotten madeleine. But I believe that everything is written and that you are not fighting against the inevitable.”

According to him, if he got out of business during these two moments of tension and vagueness, it is thanks to his personality and his way of seeing things: “My mental constitution, based on generosity and benevolence, gives me strength. I am calm, without a lump in my stomach. If I was really holding a grudge, yes I would shoot myself. If one day there is suicide, it is because it was inevitable.“Words like Patrick Sébastien: frank and without taboo.

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