“I had planned everything”: Benjamin Castaldi tells his failed Valentine’s Day

Benjamin Castaldi may not have always been assured in love, but for this new Valentine’s Day spent alongside his wife Aurore Aleman, the columnist of Touche not at my post pampered her. Well at least, that was what he wanted since, as he told on the set of the talk show this Tuesday, February 15, everything did not happen as he had planned. And there was reason to be disgusted. Asked by Cyril Hanouna about his evening the day before, Flavie Flament’s ex-companion indicated that he had “everything planned“. Hotel, restaurant, rose petals seemed to compose the cocktail he had reserved for his sweetheart for this romantic evening.My son had an ear infection last weekend so suddenly, we stayed at home and voila, I lost the deposit!” he laughed before indicating that he had finally found an arrangement with the hotel in question. Completely crazy about his wife, it’s only a postponement for Benjamin Castaldi.

Benjamin Castaldi has never been so proud since he shared the life of Aurore Aleman. On social networks, the columnist of TPMP never ceases to make fiery statements to the woman he married in August 2016. For their two years of marriage, for example, he had published a snapshot of his darling, the head next to his: “Two years since an angel landed on my shoulder” he wrote in the caption. Even if they have already said ‘yes’, the lovers are even planning to renew their vows in the summer of 2022. A new beautiful project after the arrival of their little Gabriel.

It was once again out of love for Aurore that a baby added to the family because, as he said so well in Do not touch My TVBenjamin Castaldi was “too old“: “My only anxiety is to have a health problem and to make an orphan. When I think about it I want to cry“. Aurore Aleman will have finally convinced her man: “I have three boys who are already very big, and I said to myself: ‘If I have a new child, am I going to have the physical strength to do things with them?’ (…) As my wife is younger than me – we are almost ten years apart – and when your wife that you love asks you if we wouldn’t make a little piece of cabbage… It’s true that I hesitated, I hesitated for a long time. And then along the way, I said to myself that I could not refuse him this thing“. The most beautiful proof of love he could give her in the end!

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