“I had no choice but to forgive him”, when the actress confided in HIV

“JI don’t want him to ruin my life.” “He” is the “virus“, as she presented: HIV. This is how Charlotte Valandrey spoke about it, in 2018, at the microphone of Élodie Suigo on franceinfo.

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The actress revealed in the film red kiss died Wednesday, July 13, 2022. In his autobiography love in the bloodpublished in 2005, she revealed that she had HIV, the virus responsible for AIDS, since she was 17 years old.

“I react in survival mode in fact”confided Charlotte Valandrey to franceinfo. “I do my blood tests regularly, the virus is not moving, it is quiet.” The actress follows a tri-therapy which exhausts her heart. In 2003, she was the first HIV-positive person to receive a heart transplant in France. But, five years later, she suffered a heart attack. His heart stops beating for 22 seconds.

His heart was coming to an end in recent months. On Instagram, the actress writes “waiting for my 3rd”, on June 8th. She was operated on immediately, but “his third heart did not live”explain his daughter, his sister and his father in a press release, Wednesday, July 13.

About HIV, the actress of the series Les Cordiers, judge and cop explained: “I regularly tell him to keep quiet. I don’t pay attention to him, because I don’t want him to exist, I don’t want him to ruin my life, I don’t want him to take me so early.”

Asked about the person who infected her, Charlotte Valandrey spoke only of a “gothic prince”, member of a famous rock band. He didn’t know he was HIV positive, she said. “As soon as he found out, he asked me to go for a blood test”she remembered on franceinfo. “I didn’t forgive him in five minutes, but over time I had no choice but to forgive him.”

Associations fighting against AIDS paid tribute to him on Twitter after his death. Sidaction hailed “a great and tireless witness to life with HIV and thus helped to advance the fight against stigma”. Aides recalled that Charlotte Valandrey “has repeatedly contributed to [leurs] sides to fight against HIV and the discrimination suffered by people who live with it.”

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