“I had misses, she told me”: Alexandra Lamy frank about her relationship with her daughter Chloé Jouannet

Since the end of the series A boy a girl, Alexandra Lamy has built a very good career on the big screen, multiplying films and successes in theaters (Never on the first night, Back to my mother, Everyone standing…). Obviously, going back and forth takes time and therefore sacrifices, especially from a family point of view …

Asked by TV 7 Days, the now 50-year-old actress does not hide having done her best by becoming the mother of a girl: Chloé, born in 1997 from her past history with Thomas Jouannet. “When you become a parent, you don’t have the instructions, so you play a role. It’s easy to get good advice for others. The important thing, I think, is knowing how to be there when the kids need it. You also have to pay attention to yourself, not to forget yourself“She first explained. No question for her of becoming a stay-at-home mother and giving up her career, but no question either of leaving her daughter in the hands of other people.

Alexandra Lamy adds on her own hat as a mother who has a busy job: “Like all parents, I had misses. Sometimes I was able to think too much about my career, and did not listen to Chloe at important times. She told me. The luck of children today is to have parents who speak more than previous generations. I had parents who were very attentive.

Mother and daughter, however, built a great relationship, especially thanks to their time spent together in London, where they lived for six years. Chloe could thus grow up far from media attention. “Today, Chloé is bilingual. It was not easy. We made a real pact of trust. I had to work a lot. Some weeks she was very lonely. We managed well together“, adds the actress and ex of Jean Dujardin.

Now an adult, Chloé Jouannet has followed in her parents’ footsteps by becoming an actress in her turn! We could notably see her in the series Derby Girl.

TV 7 Days, edition of December 20, 2021.

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