“I had chosen the dress, the room, the caterer”… Bérengère Krief canceled her wedding and reveals why

She is an actress that many have known with the series In short by Kyan Khojandi, but since then she has made a name for herself in the French audiovisual landscape. At 39, Berengere Krief is an accomplished actress who we find this evening in an episode of the series E-syndrome, where she replies to Vincent Elbaz and Emmanuelle Béart. In this detective series, she plays the role of a lieutenant but before being an actress, she was also a comedian. She notably performed her show Love in 2020, but as she explained in January of this year on the show I love you etc.the title of this show could have had a link with the breakup.

If she is rather discreet about her love life, Bérengère Krief has long been in a relationship with a man and she even thought of making her life with him. “I was supposed to get married. We had arranged the wedding and everything, before it costs money, in other words the validations. That is to say that I had chosen the dress, the room, the caterer. There was still a big step, and I was in the romantic comedy where I had always wanted to be. I was proposed to, it was beautiful, New York and everything really, I was Meg Ryan”she said at the time.

This breakup brought me face to face with myself and what I really wanted

But then what happened? The wedding that was supposed to take place in 2015 was canceled and the actress said a little more: “Deep down I didn’t want this wedding, for me I was throwing a party…a romantic comedy.” A cancellation which led to the end of his couple and the actress took a little time to recover. “This breakup brought me face to face with myself and what I really wanted”she told in the pages of TV 7 Daysexplaining that she had to undergo therapy to recover.

After this painful breakup, Bérengère Krief found love again. “I met a boy, with whom things are going very well. I find a balance (…) And it’s difficult, we believe that love is like in romantic comedies, and it’s not that actually”had delivered the comedian on the set of France 2.

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