“I had all the bones in my face broken”: Sandrine Bonnaire recounts the ordeal suffered by an ex

At the end of November 2019, Sandrine Bonnaire – who is to be found this evening in the series The Fighters on TF1 – demonstrated in the streets of Paris with tens of thousands of people to say stop to feminicides as well as sexist and sexual violence. An appearance that had surprised a large number of observers, before she explained during the event at the microphone of Daily that she had suffered domestic violence “twenty years ago”, from a man with whom she shared her life for four years.

I had all the bones in my face broken. He wasn’t a violent person. I have not suffered repeated violence. It’s someone who flipped out, who strangled me against a wall. I tried to defend myself, raised my arms and passed out. And I found myself two meters away with my face completely askew with my tongue in shreds like tissue being cut with eight teeth knocked out and I woke up coughing up lots of bits of teeth, blood. He was still there, he brought me a towel. The terry towel got filled with blood“, she recounted.

Two years of reprieve only the aggressor

A chilling tale. If she did not file a complaint, it is because, once awake and concerned to know what had happened, her attacker assured her that she had fallen. In the end, her doctor had to tell her that she had been beaten before she filed a complaint. “The person in question took a two-year reprieve only with a significant financial condemnation because I still had to put 35,000 euros in my dental care plus 20,000 euros because I was followed by a psychologist because I I was very traumatized“, she added, before specifying that she did not go to this demonstration for her story but for “encourage these other women who have no voice“.

Note that other big screen personalities such as Laetitia Casta, Alexandra Lam, Muriel Robin and Adèle Haenel were also present on site.

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