“I had a depression, I lost 6 kilos”: A contender of Franck (Love is in the meadow) scales

The sixteenth season of Love is in the meadow was not all rosy for Anne-Lise. Indeed, the contender of Franck, the 47-year-old sylviculturist and market gardener, has lived an adventure strewn with pitfalls. A bad experience for the 40-year-old French teacher to which she came back during an interview with the Courrier Picard, Monday November 15, 2021.

On our screens, Anne-Lise showed a strong interest in the farmer, mentioning that she was ready to leave everything for him. However, during her interview with the regional newspaper, the teacher quickly shared her moods by disclosing that she had not been very excited by the farmer when he arrived in the program: “I believed it 200%. I hadn’t come to knit but to find love. Arrived there, I realized that Franck did not match his portrait at all, education was not there“. And to continue, about his discussions with the farmer:”He took me for my ‘practical’ side because I was ready to share his life with him right away. Unlike Cécile, the other contender, who wanted to give herself time.

Her stay with Franck had such an impact on Anne-Lise that she characterized it as a degrading experience.. “I left the adventure when I realized that he was still thinking of Cecile“, she then added, before indicating about her life after the program:”After registration, I had a depression and I lost six kilos. I went to walk on the road to Santiago de Compostela to recharge my batteries.

On the strength of this experience, Anne-Lise nevertheless found comfort with viewers who were seduced by her personality: “Today I know what I want and what I don’t want. I have received many lovely messages from women who have been touched by my personality. We encourage each other in our journeys. ” Not to mention the many applications sent by some men …

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