“I found it too intimate”: Amel Bent victim of a miscarriage, why she finally spoke …

Amel Bent upset her fans when she announced, during an interview with Audrey Crespo-Mara in Seven to Eight, that she had suffered a miscarriage. A traumatic episode buried in her but the sharing of which was saving for her as for some of her subscribers. Saturday, October 30, the mother of Sofia and Hana (5 and 4 years old), who is expecting a third child with her husband Patrick Antonelli, returned to this painful experience.

To our colleagues from PureCharts, the 36-year-old singer, who is back with a new album titled Alive, told : “I hadn’t said anything to my loved ones when it happened so I couldn’t imagine for a second talking about it in front of millions of people a few months later. It was my doctor who gave me the trigger (…) He told me that I did not realize that what I was going through, 1 in 4 women saw it. He said to me: ‘I don’t understand, you who have an incredible platform, why don’t you talk about it?’. I found it too intimate. He told me that it was but that it was so universal, and that he announced to women as much that it was going to do it, that the opposite, in his office, and that every day.

It is therefore thanks to the encouragement of his doctor that Amel Bent managed to share his pain with his audience.

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