“I eat like four but…”, Vanessa Paradis evokes her particular metabolism, her father held responsible!

After the box on tour, the piece Mom and Vanessa Paradis return to Paris, in the 9th arrondissement, at the Théâtre Édouard VII. “A city, at night. A woman is waiting for her taxi, wrapped in a fur coat. A young man walks past her for the first time. Passes her. Comes back to her, slowly. And asks her a question that will change their lives in both…” It is not accompanied by Eric Elmosnino and Félix Moati as in 2022, that the actress will tread the boards but rather with Samuel Benchetrit, her husband.

The star admitted that this theatrical premiere was not easy. “At the beginning, it’s true, I felt immense nervousness at the idea of ​​accomplishing this mission: to bring people into our story, to convince them, to move them, to carry them away. The public was there, the play was successful at a time when the theater was not doing the best in the world. We played in front of full halls, it was a relief”, she slipped in an interview with Madame Figaro. In a few days, she will play with her husband, author of this play.“And then came the second step: playing on tour with a different cast, playing opposite my husband in real life… playing my husband in the play. And then it got complicated for us, a couple, to thinking that we were going to be on stage together every night…”

The disagreements, the shouting matches, and the fact “to be together during the day and then on stage at night”are the points feared by the interpreter of Joe the cab.

A silhouette that does not change an inch

Time has passed since 1987, when the world will meet Vanessa Paradis. In December 2022, she celebrated her 50th birthday. However, the artist almost did not change physically. “And yet, I eat like four, but I don’t get fat,” she admitted. “I have the metabolism of my father, a bon vivant who has remained dry like that all his life. Well, I also do a lot of sport and a job that keeps me in shape. It’s very sporty to sing, athletic even “. A genetic heritage that she passed on to her daughter Lily-Rose Depp.

See also: Surprise appearance of Lily-Rose Depp: Vanessa Paradis’ daughter reveals her dream figure and her flat stomach with an ultra-trendy croc top


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