I dream | The duty

Considering the senseless war unleashed in Ukraine, the surprising and tenacious resistance opposed to the Russian invaders, Vladimir Putin’s jeremiads complaining about the lack of respect of the West towards the thousand-year-old Russian culture, I dream of an unexpected victory from Ukraine.

I dream of a Russian Maidan where the intellectuals are the leaders.

I dream of a massive popular uprising or an electoral defeat that forces a defeated Vladimir Putin to relinquish power.

I dream of a Russian justice that frees Alexei Navalny and all opponents of Putin’s dictatorial and corrupt regime.

I dream of seeing Russia do its best to rebuild all that the war has destroyed in Ukraine and facilitate the return of refugees

I dream of a Russia that finally realizes socialism, already failed by the Stalinist USSR, then failed again during the collapse of 1990, from which only the oligarchs took advantage.

I dream of a Russia that tears down hypercapitalism, moderates neoliberal globalization, establishes a new economic system that fights inequality and tax evasion, a kind of participatory, decentralized and democratic socialism, like the one advocated by Thomas Piketty.

I’m dreaming of course, don’t wake me up.

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