“I dream of making an action film”

The actress is the heroine of a captivating mini-series alongside Tomer Sisley.

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Anya is a student in Paris while her parents and brother live in Berlin. She finds herself suspected of murder after a drunken evening. Her mother (Julie Gayet), who has stopped working to raise her children, joins her in France and seeks the help of a lawyer (Tomer Sisley) who is none other than her childhood sweetheart whom she left there. over 20 years ago. A mix of crime fiction and family psychodrama, A perfect mother keeps you hooked from start to finish. “Until the end, you won’t know. It’s crazy to have succeeded in this writing! It’s both a thriller and also the story of the pressure that society puts on women so that they be perfect mothers”, testifies Julie Gayet. “The series also tries to deconstruct the clichés we can have about young women.”

The fiction also questions the parent-child relationship, what we know about our children: “There is a part of our children’s lives that belongs to them. When you’re a parent, you’re always afraid of an evening that goes wrong, like in the series. You have to let go, you can’t control everything”continues the actress.

“A perfect mother” is the occasion of reunion between Julie Gayet and Tomer Sisley: “He’s an old friend, we did the Actors Studio together. Tomer is unrecognizable in the series!” Accustomed to more muscular films, the actor is all restrained in the TF1 TV movie. Julie Gayet again plays the role of a gentle but strong woman. She would now like to change register: “I want to do what Tomer is offered: an action film. I dream of it! No one ever offers it to me. A good Jason Bourne or a James Bond!”

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