“I don’t want the caregivers to be forgotten in the consultation”, says the Minister of Health, François Braun

“I don’t want the caregivers to be forgotten in the consultation” on the end of life, says François Braun, Minister of Health and Prevention, invited Monday, September 19 on France Inter.

“I was a caregiver, I was confronted with these end-of-life problems and, in this consultation, my role is that we do not forget the words of the caregivers”, he continues while the reform on the end of life, wanted by Emmanuel Macron, will be the subject of a citizens’ convention. François Braun insists on the need to “ask caregivers for their opinion, because they are the ones on the front line in these moments”.

The National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) deemed possible, in an opinion published last Tuesday, active assistance in dying under strict conditions, for adults suffering from serious and incurable diseases, with impossible physical and/or psychological suffering. to appease, and a vital prognosis engaged in the medium term.

For its part, the College of Physicians said to itself on Thursday, “not in favor of euthanasia”, whereas if France opens up the possibility of active assistance in dying, doctors must benefit from “conscience clause”.

According to Francois Braun, “the end of life is as much, if not more, a social problem than a medical problem”. On the other hand, he recognizes, from a medical point of view, that “we are late” in palliative care, these aids so that people at the end of life do not suffer. “It’s an extremely difficult, extremely painful moment, my deep conviction is that we should not suffer at this time”, he summarizes, without personally commenting on what he thinks of active assistance in dying.

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