“I don’t know if playing 50 minutes at the back is very interesting”

In the 52nd minute of the match against UBB, Ugo Mola and his staff had already made seven changes. A back-to-school match, the air pocket with three tries conceded in the first half… There are probably several reasons for this. It is also necessary to integrate recruits who hope to play the competition, especially behind. If Ange Capuozzo was not on the sheet, Arthur Retière and Melvyn Jaminet had half an hour to express themselves.

Ramos: ‘I don’t know if 50 minutes at the back is very interesting’

_”_The coach said at half-time that he wanted to make a turnover soon enough to try to get the rhythm back and hurt them”, explained Melvyn Jaminet. Josh Brennan added that “it was expected.” Coaching that allowed Stade Toulousain to relaunch in a meeting that got off to a bad start and finally win.

Asked at the end of the meeting about these early changes, Thomas Ramos went there without language of wood: “I don’t know if at fullback playing 50 minutes is very interesting. It’s part of the game, we’ll see what the next matches are made of. When you play 50 minutes, it’s often that you play on the front line. At the back, you are more used to playing 80 minutes. Today I only did 50. We’ll see next weekend.”

The next meetings will allow us to see how the staff manages cohabitation in positions where there will be strong competition, especially at the back and on the wings. Stade Toulousain will play Toulon, Racing 92, Montpellier and Clermont by mid-October.

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