“I don’t have to look good, I have to be myself”, in the Doubs, the baker Stéphane Ravacley is campaigning

At the entrance to this flea market in Devecey, north of Besançon, Stéphane Ravacley is posted with his supporters for a towing operation. On the spot, everyone has, at least once, heard of him. After a publicized hunger strike to regularize his Guinean apprentice, the baker Stéphane Ravacley is a candidate in the second district of Doubs for the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes).

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The baker candidate explains that it is precisely this hunger strike that was a trigger for his involvement in politics. “During eleven days of hunger strike, no administration came to see me.”

“This administrative silence has made me someone else. Now I want some justice, now I want the world to change.”

Stéphane Ravacley, Nupes candidate in the 2nd district of Doubs

at franceinfo

On this flea market, the reception is rather good. “We know that he had it. He’s a bit like us. He is like simple people“, considers a passerby. Stéphane Ravacley, precisely, wants to remain simple. He points to his shoes: “These are my professional shoes and I will wear them in the Assembly so as not to show off. I don’t have to look good, I have to be myself.

However, the candidate must also seek out those who do not seem enthusiastic. “What scares me is that he didn’t know anything about politics before. You still need a minimum“, says a local resident. “This is not a problemreplies Stéphane Ravacley from a distance. When you start something, you have no experience. You have to learn, that’s all, and that doesn’t scare me.

An opportunistic candidate? At least that’s what it suggests, a few kilometers away, his main political competitor, the outgoing deputy of the outgoing majority, Eric Alozet, who goes door to door in Montfaucon. ” Everyone is free to run, but it’s true that, in this period, we see people like that emerge quite brutally in the political landscape. I don’t know if that says a lot about the future, the sustainability, the commitment or the political line. I ask myself many questions“, he slips.

The LR candidate in this constituency, Chafia Kaoulal, meanwhile, is ironic: “Indeed, he has done a lot of things in the humanitarian field. I also do humanitarian work, except that I don’t put myself forward.”

>> Legislative 2022: spokesperson, legislator, controller… We explain to you what a deputy is for

If he is elected deputy, Stéphane Ravacley assures that he will continue his activity as a baker: “When I come back to Besançon, my place is in my company. I will work at night and I will be at the service of voters during the day.

In all, nine people are candidates in this second constituency of Doubs.

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