“I do not want my country to engage in a spiral of war against an over-armed country”, declares Louis Aliot



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Since the last elections, a new political landscape is taking shape. The Rassemblement National became the leading opposition group in the National Assembly with Marine Le Pen at its head. Two candidates could then succeed him, including Louis Aliot, guest of Dimanche en Politique, on September 25.

Sunday September 25, Louis Aliot went to the Invalides, during the ceremony of homage to the harkis. Six months ago, a law was put in place to compensate them. Not a step forward according to him: “The damage suffered is not up to the presidential offer. They did not suffer an injustice but a crime. It is good that France rather recognizes the crimes that were committed by the governments of the time , abandoning their soldiers and leaving them in the hands of the FLN cutthroats”. According to Louis Aliot, the minimum would be to award the Legion of Honor to all living former harkis. Above all, he wants moral recognition.

Regarding the refusal of young Russians to go and fight in Ukraine, Louis Aliot says he is “for peace” and for all those who work for its restoration. “I am French and I am interested in this conflict through the prism of humanitarianism. (…) But I do not want my country to engage in a spiral of war against an over-armed country. (…) We must try to make the Russian president understand that it is time to stop arms and that we must come to the negotiating table”he explains.

Candidate for the head of the RN against Jordan Bardella, Louis Aliot highlights their differences in course: “I have been there for twenty years alongside Marine Le Pen. We have put in place the turn that has been taken, that of the demonization and professionalization of the movement. (…) I am one of those who started to carry this speech and which continues”.

It is also favorable to an RN Executive School – proposed by Jordan Bardella – to train strong candidates. “It has always been there but has never been able to function for lack of financial means. Training must be massively professionalized with all members. A political party must train its elites and its executives. Recruit on the one hand and train new the other”.

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