“I didn’t think you were coming back from that far”, Pierre Palmade’s mother discovers another facet of her son and can’t get over it!

In 2019, the popular comedian chained the interviews following the publication of his autobiography Tell my dad I’m famous. An uncompromising story where Pierre Palmade spoke in all transparency about his discomfort, his homosexuality which he rejected for a long time and his addiction to alcohol and drugs which he has been fighting since he was 20 years old. At the time, despite a few admitted relapses, he felt ready to live differently, far from these toxic destructive addictions, far from Paris and its temptations. It is even for this reason that he had bought, the previous year, an area of ​​434 square meters in Cély-en-Bière, in Seine-et-Marne. History of going green, “a home to heal”, as his friend François Rollin confided in the program Red string broadcast on BFM-TV this Friday, February 17, 2023. However, for a week, and the terrible road accident that the actor caused under the influence of cocaine, it seems that the fight has been lost for the 54-year-old man. With tragic consequences for the people occupying the vehicle that he violently hit: a 26-year-old woman who lost her unborn child, a father and his six-year-old son, heavily polytraumatized and still in a very worrying state.

See also: “For her, it’s intolerable”: Pierre Palmade let go by Muriel Robin who regrets having visited him in the hospital!

However, almost four years ago, Pierre Palmade was already making the headlines not for a horrible accident but for venting willingly on his addictions, in particular to cocaine, revealed in his memoirs. On this occasion, the newspaper The world questioned him about the reaction of his mother who, over the pages, had learned that he took drugs.

She was destitute”, he had then affirmed. She even confided to him : “I didn’t think you came back from this far”. A late revelation for this mother to whom, however, he had been able to confess, at the age of 18, his sexual orientation: “I think I’m attracted to boys”, he had simply told her. The latter did not seem shocked, quite the contrary since she replied: “I believe thatI suspected a little.” And to add : “I wonder to what extent it does not suit me a little” because “I will be the only woman in your life.”


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