“I didn’t know it..”: Audrey Lamy reveals how she found out about her pregnancy

If the movie Squad promises to be funny, intelligent and committed to young migrants, it seems that the team was not spared disasters during filming. “We were filming in the North, in the middle of January, it was freezing cold. Tornado, flood, Covid and meningitis we had it all“, says indeed Audrey Lamy, the main actress of the film to the magazine Télé-Star.

This one and her partner, François Cluzet were not spared by the curse that hovered over the shooting. The actor indeed, is “ruptured achilles tendon“from the first take, as for Alexandra Lamy’s sister, she was”victim of a very rare phlebitis, called Mondor, falling“.

Except that she learned a few days later that her infection had not been caused by the fall but rather… by a pregnancy! “I was pregnant! I didn’t know it at the time“, she explains to the magazine. A happy event which then happened during the summer, with the birth of a little girl. Rather discreet about her private life, Audrey Lamy had however broached the subject when speaking of her role in Alex Lutz’s TV movie, Revenge at Triple Gallop.

When he (Alex Lutz Editor’s note) made me read the script, as it was his carte blanche, I thought he would play Stéphanie Harper himself before realizing that he was offering it to me, despite my pregnancy. I was over six months pregnant on set – not ideal for playing a model – but when Alex loves someone, nothing is a problem. He never lets you down“, she explained at the time.

With her companion Thomas Sabatier, the actress had already welcomed a little boy, Léo, born in 2016, to whom she therefore offered a little sister. Wonderful news after the tragedy that affected them in February 2020, when the actress lost a baby before birth. Very protective, she is in any case very attached to her young partners.

Their fate turned my mother’s heart upside down. As a mother wolf, I wanted to protect them“. Become “more sensitive to certain subjects such as the situation of these children who have experienced things of absolute tragedy and who have crossed lands and seas to be safe“, she explained that she was upset by”their secrets“. And that this shooting where disasters were linked will remain one of his most beautiful: “All these trials have united us“.

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