“I didn’t know I was pregnant”: Anaïs Camizuli had a miscarriage, revelations…

Already almost 10 years that viewers have known her. Indeed, it was in 2013 that Anaïs Camizuli revealed herself, during her participation in the seventh season of Secret Story, an edition from which it also emerged as the big winner. Today, his life has changed a lot. Indeed, she became the mother of an adorable little girl named Kessi (3 years old), born of her love with her ex-husband the rapper Sultan. Mother and daughter have a unique relationship. And for the first time, Anaïs Camizuli gives herself up with an open heart to the difficult times spent in order to achieve such happiness.

Because Kessi and me is a long storyshe first launched on Instagram in the caption of a video of her and her daughter at the beach. I was always told when I was younger that I was going to have problems having a child, a few small health problems that meant that I was according to the doctors 90% sterile.“A hard blow for the beauty who then thought she would never become a mother. In the end, fate decided otherwise! But the path was strewn with pitfalls…”In July 2018 I had a miscarriage, I was pregnant I didn’t even know it. A hard blow, very hard. But the Good Lord does things well, November 2018 I become pregnant. The first 3 months I was very stressed about losing my baby. My pregnancy is going pretty well. I’m gaining a lot of weight but I don’t care, my baby is fine“, she recalls.

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