“I did not know how to frame my children”: Charlotte Gainsbourg, her frank confidences as a mother …

Since her presentation last spring at the Cannes Film Festival, Charlotte Gainsbourg has gone through a promotional marathon to defend Jane by Charlotte – only interrupted a few weeks due to Jane Birkin’s stroke over the summer. In the JDD of January 2, 2022, mother and daughter confide in their relationship, their clan …

Asked about their resemblance in life, Jane Birkin readily admitted that over time, it is “more and more“obvious. And Charlotte Gainsbourg to detail how she finally had common traits with her mother.”I thought I looked a lot like my father [Serge Gainsbourg, NDLR], in particular on punctuality, order. He was very manic. I am always very precise. When I cook, I weigh the ingredients fifteen times. But the more it goes, the closer I get to my mother and her happy mess. I like it, it’s more spontaneous“, she says.

And the movie star give me your hand, L’Effrontée or The promise of dawn to add that from her mother she tries “also to reproduce the fun and drollery“. Charlotte Gainsbourg has fond memories of her childhood and, the more the years go by, the more she reproduces with her own offspring what she kept from her mother.”I remember so much the stories she told me in a funny way. And then, like her, I did not know how to frame my children. I count on Yvan“, she admits. With her companion Yvan Attal, whom she finally found in Paris after having lived several years in New York, she is the mother of three children: Ben (born in 1997), Alice (born in 2002) and Jo (born in 2011).

Do the couple operate on the popular good cop and bad cop principle when it comes to kids? Renowned for being hard on the actors in his films, is Yvan Attal a strict dad where Charlotte would be permissive? The 50-year-old actress and singer didn’t expand into more detail on how she handles her children …

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