“I DES”, King Creosote | The duty

Little known outside the United Kingdom, Scottish alt-folk singer-songwriter Kenny Anderson nevertheless has more than forty albums to his credit, often self-published. Added to this endearing I DESa sixth for Domino Records if we include the sublime Diamond Mine (2011), collaboration with the electronic composer Jon Hopkins whose aesthetic seems to have inspired Anderson for the orchestrations, synthetic but never supported (except for the surprising Susie Mullen !), of his new songs. But no matter the arrangement, more folk, more ambient, more rock, it is Anderson’s voice that shines, this gently nasal timbre imbued with a rare candor which makes these texts evoking the passing of time “at laughing with my daughters” (poignant Blue Marbled Elm Trees) and the death that awaits us all at the end of the road (Burial Bleak). The album concludes with the most daring song in its repertoire, Drone in B#a groove rock journey stretching over 36 minutes.

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King Creosote, Domino

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