“I deeply disagree with the President of the Senate,” says Marlène Schiappa


Video length: 13 min

IVG in the Constitution: “I deeply disagree with the President of the Senate”, affirms Marlène Schiappa

IVG in the Constitution: “I deeply disagree with the President of the Senate”, affirms Marlène Schiappa – (franceinfo)

Debates around the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution began in the National Assembly on Wednesday January 24. Marlène Schiappa, former Secretary of State responsible for Equality between women and men, is the guest of 19/20 info on this occasion.

On Wednesday January 24, deputies began examining the bill aimed at including voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) in the Constitution. The President of the Senate Gérard Larcher opposed this inscription. “I I strongly disagree with the President of the Senate. (…) Regarding the reality of access to abortion, we are today in a country in which there are white areas. (…) Inclusion in the Constitution will protect us from attacks that exist in large democracies within Europe itself.”says Marlène Schiappa, former Secretary of State in charge of Equality between women and men, in 19/20 info.

“Shocked” by the words of Gérard Depardieu

During his last press conference, Emmanuel Macron wished for a “demographic rearmament”. On this subject, Marlène Schiappa indicates that shewould have not used the term “rearmament”but says “happy to see the President of the Republic take up this subject”. Concerning the controversy over Gérard Depardieu, Marlène Schiappa said she wouldn’t have “not employed” the words used by Emmanuel Macron towards him. “I am deeply shocked by Gérard Depardieu’s comments in the images we have seen”says the former Secretary of State.

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