“I crack”: Nabilla Benattia pregnant and exhausted because of her pregnancy ailments

Nabilla Benattia is currently pregnant with her second child, the fruit of her union with Thomas Vergara. But she does not hide that it is not easy every day and made some confidences on her Snapchat account, this Tuesday, April 19, 2022.

I am less and less able to climb stairs. I have no more energy. I can’t take it anymore, I want Thomas to carry mee”, first launched the beautiful 30-year-old brunette. And to add that she does not hesitate to ask Thomas for many services to move as little as possible. “So here you go guys. We drag his carcass. We are tired, we have back pain, we are hot. I’ll make a short list for you. And migraine, headache, small contractions. (…) I’m fed up, I’m at the end. There are six weeks left, I can’t take it anymore. I crack. I’m tired, I’m not well, I can’t sleep anymore“, she continued. Her baby indeed kicks her a little too hard in the middle of the night, which wakes her up. The next day, she is therefore exhausted.

Nabilla Benattia can’t wait to feel light again and to have her baby with her because, in the meantime, she feels like she “stagnates in [son] reads like a rag“.”I’m lucky to have a husband who is very present, very kind, who doesn’t let go of me. That’s a pregnancy, it’s lived together. Already we have to carry the child, It’s not easy psychologically, physically, morally... The dad has to be there and support the mom. I have this chance. Otherwise I would not have had children, it was my husband who made me want“, she relativized.

Then, the mother of Milann (2 years old) quickly remembered that she was starting to have some “Fed up“. It must be said that she does not have the simplest pregnancy. On three occasions, she had to go to the emergency room. The first time for painful contractions, the second because she no longer felt her baby move and the third because of a malaise she had woke up. She also discovered that she suffered from anemia and must therefore go to the hospital regularly for vitamin infusions, in addition to taking treatment And for this pregnancy, she gained about twenty pounds.

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