“I could no longer stand seeing him on TV sets”, a fourth woman files a complaint against Cauet

This Wednesday, December 13, 2023, Mathilde T, 44 years old, made the decision to file a complaint for sexual assault against Sébastien Cauet for facts which allegedly took place in 1997. “I could no longer stand seeing him explain on TV sets that he was the victim”, she confided in the columns of The Obs.

According to information from Parisian obtained from her lawyer Anne-Claire Le Jeune, the forty-year-old would have been interviewed by the minor protection brigade of the Paris judicial police.

See also: Cauet affair, Cécile de Ménibus comes out of silence

“He took his penis out of his pants”

It was during school holidays that the tragedy occurred when she was only 18 years old and visiting her uncle and aunt in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, not far from the Skyrock studios where the host was working. “Little by little, I started going to watch the show. I went there regularly, my sister came a few times. It was a kind of teenage dream,” she confided to our colleagues. After moving to Noisiel, in Seine-et-Marne, Mathilde continued to attend her idol’s shows until one day, the latter kindly offered to drop her off by car. “I really took it as an initiative of sympathy, there had never been any rapprochement between us”she remembered.

And to continue:We took the elevator and went down to the parking lot, his car was a large black or dark blue sedan, leather interior. I got in, in the passenger seat, and before we even started, he took his cock out of his pants. He said to me: Don’t you want to kiss her? I was very shocked, I had never done that in my life, and what’s more, I didn’t like him at all. I did not do anything. I don’t know how, but I refused, he put his penis back in his pants and we left. He didn’t force me, he didn’t insist and he dropped me off at work.”

Sébastien Cauet denies outright

Targeted by three other complaints, Sébastien Cauet formally denies the facts with which he is accused. Guest of BFMTV Sunday December 10, 2023, the companion of Nathalie Dartois has continued to proclaim his innocence. “It’s all false, it’s all lies”, he explained to Benjamin Duhamel. To be continued…


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