“I could be one of the signatories of the platform”, assures Minister Elisabeth Moreno


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The Minister responsible for Equality between women and men was received on the program “Your political guest” on franceinfo.

Some 285 women engaged in politics signed a column published Monday, November 15 in the newspaper The world. This text states in particular that “Sexual abusers have no place in the 2022 elections. “I could be one of the signatories”, assured Elisabeth Moreno, the Minister responsible for Equality between women and men, Wednesday, November 17, in the program “Your political guest” on franceinfo.

And the former business leader to add: “The political world is a world made by men and for men, with extremely masculine rules.” “I have not seen as much sexism and gender-based and sexual violence in the construction industry and in the world of technology as I see today in politics”, continued Elisabeth Moreno. The minister also said that she had confronted “borderline behaviors” since she joined the government.


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