“I confirm to you that it stops and it is not my decision”, in “C to you”, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine at the heart of a very sad announcement!

The weeks follow one another, and Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, supported by her teams, multiplies the numbers of “C à vous”. In the PAF, the famous presenter has proven herself to the point of dazzling many of her colleagues. Like Sophie Davant, whom she also received on her set this Tuesday, May 9, 2023. “In absolute terms, the program that I would have loved to host, but which is very well hosted by Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine, is “C à vous”, revealed the host of Affaire concluded on the airwaves of RTL last January.

During her tirade, William Leymergie’s companion was full of praise for her: “Anne-Élisabeth is wonderful. I find that it is in the generation which succeeds me, a little my heiress because it is at the same time spontaneous, it makes blunders, blunders and at the same time, it does its trade well. She works, it shows, she reads the books, I find her really good“. Each week, the main interested party can boast of bringing together thousands of viewers with her show.

This Wednesday, May 10, 2023, the happy mother of two children and her columnists had the honor of welcoming Charline Vanhoenacker to their essential talk show. Coming to promote her book “On vacation Simone” alongside Audrey Titiou, the journalist was unable to discuss questions from her interlocutors about her future on France Inter. “Le Parisien understands that this ninth season on a daily basis on the first radio station in France would be the last […]. Info or intox ?”, asked Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, very intrigued.

see also:

“It’s a proposal that was made to me…”

What Charline Vanhoenacker replied not without humor: “Oh I forgot to give my decision, wait… Am I going to give it here?”. In a much more serious tone, she added: “It’s not my decision. I confirm that the daily stops”. With her incredible audiences, the journalist would never have imagined going “on a weekly basis”. “I was encouraged to switch to weekly”, clarified the author, referring to the decision of the management. “It’s a proposal that was made to me. We will adapt”.

A choice that intrigues the ex-girlfriend of Mustapha El Atrassi to the highest degree: “But how do you explain that we put an end to a program that knows a real success […] for nine years? “I think the life of the media has changed a lot in the past 10 years”, admitted Charline Vanhoenacker. “Today, there is the podcast, the digital […], I would have done one more year. But […] we are all enthusiastic […] We are negotiating, thinking. But maybe it’s not a bad idea […]. We will see next year […]”. A necessary development to put an end to the noises of corridors.


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