“I can’t shoot anymore”: Stéphane Plaza cash on his sudden loss of libido

We know that Stéphane Plaza is not the modest type. The host, actor and real estate agent never fails to amuse the gallery with his sometimes disconcerting naturalness which often pushes him to strip naked, in every sense of the word. He hit the bull’s eye again The Big Heads Monday, May 9, 2022.

In fact, when we asked him if he had had success with the hostesses since he was appointed ambassador of the Paris Fair for the second consecutive year, the star of Search apartment or house revealed to be having some issues with his libido. “Never ! At 51 now you know, I have to plan the thing. If I haven’t taken the pill before, I can’t shoot anymore. And if you take it when you don’t, you sleep on the crutch and it’s very annoying. From a certain age, everything is calculated and I’m there“, he dropped, thus referring to the famous treatment which helps manage erectile dysfunction in men. A confidence that earned him the nicknameStephane Viagra by Laurent Ruquier. “You ask me questions, I answer you. Me, you know, I have a lot of worries“, assumed Stéphane Plaza, which we find at the theater in the play A magical couple.

If he never has trouble sharing a few naughty or even embarrassing anecdotes, the figure of M6 is on the other hand much more discreet when it comes to talking seriously about his stories of the heart. In 2019, he had created the surprise by confessing in Do not touch My TV to have found “the ideal person“. But two years later, in 2021, he hinted that he had regained his celibacy. And then nothing. Karine Le Marchand’s best friend has already explained this great modesty. “Every time I talked about my love life and tried to be honest, it was a disaster. As soon as I announce something on this subject, either I am followed in the street, or they believe me with the wrong people and it fucks me up in there!“, he confided for TV +. He then concluded:It’s decided: I won’t talk about it anymore!

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