“I can’t help but think of all the others,” reacts MEP Nathalie Loiseau after the release of hostages by Hamas

Every Friday, in the show #OnVousRépond, Gilles Bornstein and Daïc Audouit receive a political personality to comment on the news of the week and give a voice to spectators who can directly ask their questions to the guest. Friday, November 24, Renew/Horizons MEP and Renew MEP Bernard Guetta were received on set.


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MEPs Nathalie Loiseau and Bernard Guetta were invited to answer questions from viewers and Gilles Bornstein on the set of the interactive show "#WeAnswer"Friday November 24, 2023. (FRANCEINFO)

The European deputies, Nathalie Loiseau and Bernard Guetta, were invited to answer questions from viewers and Gilles Bornstein on the set of the interactive program “#OnVousRépond”, Friday November 24.

Asked about the release of the 13 Israeli hostages by Hamas on Friday, Nathalie Loiseau said she was “happy for those who have regained the freedom they should never have lost” but “can’t stop thinking about everyone else”. She regrets “the way in which human lives are treated as currency”.

The international question at the heart of the European campaign

For Bernard Guetta, Renew MEP, “during the European election campaign, international questions and their danger will have to be answered.”

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