For several weeks, the life of Nathalie Baye has been distilled by the Sunday newspaper. This Sunday, August 6, the 74-year-old actress continues to confide in her professional but also personal life. The opportunity to discover the multiple and different disorders from which the mother of Laura Smet suffers.
Nathalie Baye had already mentioned it in the past, she suffers from dyslexia since childhood. A disorder that the actress has mastered over time, so that it is not a handicap in her career. In an interview given to Marie Clairethe ex-girlfriend of Johnny Hallyday had revealed that compulsive reading had helped her a lot to progress, even if everything is not yet perfect. “I still have great difficulty with proper names. If I meet a Mr. Trianon, I will call him ‘Mr. Triton’… On the other hand, when I learn my text or when I play, there is no has more problems Dyscalculia is more annoying“, had confided Nathalie Baye.
Indeed, the star with a 50-year career also suffers from dyscalculia, also called Specific Numerical Activity Disorders. They are an impairment of the ability to understand and use numbers. They affect procedural and conceptual aspects of counting and counting as well as the memorization of number facts. Which is not without constraints for Nathalie Baye, and which can lead to delicate situations. “I had my credit card swallowed recently, because I confused my bank code with that of my building. Apart from my daughter’s, I don’t remember any birthdays, not even mine. I was wished one day by SMS and I did not know what I was talking about“, she had, for example, told Marie Claire.
Dyslexia, dyscalculia… but not only
To these two disorders from which Nathalie Baye suffers is added a last one, and not the least, that she inherited from her father: claustrophobia. The latter is even more disabling as told The Sunday newspaper : “She knows an irrational fear at the idea of finding herself in an enclosed space. Completely closed elevators, cars with no rear doors, MRIs in hospitals, rooms with no windows are impossible for her.“And when Nathalie Baye began to consult a psychoanalyst to restore some order in her personal life, the actress found herself with a major problem.”The psychoanalyst’s office she was going to see in Paris was located beyond the tenth floor of a tower. The elevator was closed. Nathalie went up on foot“, says the JDD. On her claustrophobia, Nathalie Baye has only one thing to say: “I can’t fight it. It’s irrational.“