“I can’t die now because…”, this surprising statement by singer Arno a few weeks ago…

This Saturday, April 23, 2022, singer Arno died at the age of 72 from cancer. A few months before his death, he was preparing to go back on stage to discover “Vivre”, his last piano-voice disc recorded with Sofiane Pamart. For the occasion, the artist had granted an interview to our colleagues from Paris Match. Thin, he attempted self-mockery by launching: ” It’s because I wanted to be a Chippendale. But I was not taken. “Suffering from pancreatic cancer since 2019, he explained that he had spent” four months in hospital during the first lockdown “.

For years, Arno struggled with illness. Kept alive by music, he confessed: That’s all I know how to do, it’s the job that for fifty years has enabled me not to work. “Last December, he ignored his condition in order to go back on stage for five concerts planned in Brussels and Ostend. ” The stage is therapy for me, it’s adrenaline too. And she, she never cheated on me. I therefore go there by accepting the state in which I am. But it’s not hard ’cause the music keeps me going “, he let go.

Aware of his condition, he had not wanted to talk about his chances of recovery. ” To heal, I watch Michel Drucker on Sundays, it’s my Alka-Seltzer, it makes me feel good. I was lucky to have lived a life with a bang in the bud. In the 1960s, we hitchhiked in Kathmandu, we had sexual freedom. Now we have lost all that because of the corona… It’s a shame. Even in the movies there are no more naked girls. »

“I can’t die now”

For him, it was necessary to live his dream to the end. “ I’m too old to retire. Besides, I can’t die now because flowers are too expensive right now. I won’t die until the prices come down “, he confided in the columns of Paris Match…


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