“I cannot let it be said that we are inactive”, insists Laurent Nuñez, prefect of police of Paris

The new Paris police chief on Tuesday ordered a police operation in a square in the northeast of the capital where crack users have been gathered for a year.

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“I understand the distress of some residents, but I cannot say that we are inactive”, reacted Thursday, September 15 on franceinfo Laurent Nuñez, successor to Didier Lallement as prefect of police of Paris, about crack trafficking. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin gave it a year to eradicate it.

A police operation ordered by Laurent Nuñez took place on Tuesday morning in a square in the northeast of the capital where crack users have been gathered for a year. “We deploy nearly 200 police every day” in order to “disperse crack users” and “arrest the traffickers”, he specified. Eleven people have been detained since August 4.

“Much remains to be done, but we are determined to do it.”

Laurent Nuñez, Prefect of Police of Paris

at franceinfo

To respond to the scourge of crack trafficking, the latter wishes to build “a support plan for these consumers”with “sanitary, social, psychological, even psychiatric measures to try to get these people out of crack addiction”. “This is obviously the ambition of the plan, but at the same time, we must also have repressive police action which is absolutely essential”he continued.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is due to travel to West Africa soon as part of the fight against this traffic. “Most crack sellers are illegal Senegalese”added the prefect of police. “The action we are taking is also an action to deport these crack sellers to the border. We need to streamline the relationship with a number of authorities in these West African countries to to be able to obtain consular passes more easily to enable these traffickers to be escorted back”he concluded.

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