“I call for millions of people to be on the streets on Thursday”, launches Manuel Bompard

The LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, Manuel Bompard, calls on franceinfo for a broad mobilization against the pension reform. He demands the departure of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne.

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Manuel Bompard, deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône, coordinator of La France insoumise, was Tuesday March 21 the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo.  (FRANCEINFO / RADIOFRANCE)

“I call for millions of people to be on the streets on Thursday”launches Tuesday March 21 on franceinfo Manuel Bompard, LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône. “If we are millions of people in the street, this government, hanging by a thread, will crack“, he assures the day after the motion of censure which gathered 278 votes in the National Assembly to try to overthrow the executive. Thursday, March 23, is scheduled for a new day of mobilization at the call of the union.

Manuel Bompard calls for demonstrations “massive, broad, peaceful and determined” to bring down the government. The coordinator of la France insoumise specifies that he “do not wish” violence in the context of these mobilizations against the pension reform, but also condemns “the repression that hit the demonstrations in Paris” Monday evening. A repression that he qualifies “unacceptable”. According to Manuel Bompard, it is “the power in place” who aggravates the situation, showing “denial, contempt, arrogance, and it creates anger”. “I warn the power: if you believe that you will succeed in silencing people with truncheons and judicial repression, then you are wrong and the situation will worsen”he warns, demanding explanations from Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, on the management of the arrests.

The LFI deputy makes it clear on several occasions: the fight against pension reform continues. Among the avenues he is considering: the hardening of the strike, stressing that he supports the garbage collectors’ strike but also that in progress in the refineries. Movements that must continue in strategic sectors, “to make it expensive for a number of big bosses and big companies” so that they challenge Emmanuel Macron.

Manuel Bompard calls on the President of the Republic to take responsibility in order to calm the social climate, and therefore to withdraw the pension reform. According to him, the Prime Minister must also leave Matignon. “A reshuffle will not be enough to breathe some air into this political crisis: Ms. Borne is charred. She no longer has any political legitimacy and I think she must leave with her pension reform under her arm”he launches before specifying that he does not fear a dissolution of the National Assembly confirming that the Insoumis are preparing for it.

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