After a weekend of behind-the-scenes discussions between the government and the right, the immigration bill arrives this Monday in the joint committee. Invited this Monday by France Inter, Annie Genevard, general secretary of the Republicans and member of the CMP, says she is confident about the possibility of finding an agreement.
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“I believe that an agreement“in a joint committee”is within our reach“, affirmed Monday on France Inter Annie Genevard, general secretary of the Republicans, deputy for Doubs and member of the CMP. Fourteen parliamentarians meet Monday, December 18 from 5 p.m. to examine the immigration bill and find a possible agreement before a passage before the National Assembly and the Senate.
According to the MP, the Republicans have “laid [leurs] lines“during negotiations with the government to reach an agreement on the text. She mentions for example the article on the regularization of people in an irregular situation in professions in shortage.”We want this to retain an exceptional and non-enforceable character, that it be left to the discretion of the prefect and not a right that would be freely open to all.“, insists Anne Genevard.
State medical aid, subject of another text
The member of the committee also affirms that on the subject of state medical aid (AME), which the Republicans want to reform, “the Prime Minister undertook to write to us to tell us that this would be the subject of a dedicated text“, as announced by Eric Ciotti on Sunday evening. “What we expect in this letter is that the government commits to reforming the AME, not to expand its scope, but to precisely reduce its scope.“, underlines MP LR.
Finally, Annie Genevard returns to the allocation of conditions of access to contributory social assistance for foreigners. In the Senate text, parliamentarians voted to condition their payment on a presence of at least five years in the territory. She concedes that this duration will probably be reduced during the joint committee: “This is a point that remains to be finalized. It will probably be half, around 30 months“, she explains.